Matthew 25:23 "His master
replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a
few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your
master's happiness!' (NIV)
In the parable of the talents, the
master was only pleased with those who took the talents he gave them, and
multiplied them (or used them for His glory). He called them "good and
faithful servants".
One evening, when our daughter Tifanee
was almost a year old, I was watching Christian Television and Pastor Kenny
Foreman was a guest on that evening's program. He was talking about the cross
of Calvary and about Jesus mending broken hearts. He said, “No matter what
you’re going through, no matter where you've been or what you've you done,
Jesus loves you and cares for you.”
He spoke with such love and compassion
and I could feel the presence of the Lord. He painted a portrait of Calvary
with his words, one like I had never heard up to that point in my life. And
then he looked at the camera with tears in his eyes, and made THIS statement, “If
you think that no one cares about you or that no one loves you, look to
Calvary, there’s your proof!”. That
powerful statement made a lasting impact on my life. When I heard Pastor
Foreman speak those words, something on the inside of me jumped and I thought I
was going to burst.
I knew
exactly what he was talking about. I had heard all my life that Jesus died on
the cross for my sins. I've sang about it since I was a little girl, “Jesus
loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so…” but the way that man of
God spoke about Calvary, ignited something on the inside of me.
“A song,” I
thought, “there needs to be a song called, Calvary is Proof!” I ran and got a piece of paper and a pencil
and started writing. The pen seemed to glide swiftly across the paper as I
wrote the words with ease. I wasn't a songwriter, at least I hadn't been up until a few weeks prior when I had written my first song (other than little
choruses I wrote as a child). Little did I know that the song I wrote weeks
before would be the beginning of many more songs to come.
So, there I was, in front of the television, and the words
(and music) were flowing freely. It wasn't assigned, not by man anyway,
but yet I wrote sincerely and unrestrained. I hadn't even thought about being a
songwriter, it just happened! Another verse came.
“People need to
know that Calvary is proof that Jesus loves them,” I thought, as the pen surged
across the paper, “they need to hear how He bled and died on a cruel cross. The
answer is at Calvary; the proof is at Calvary!” The chorus came fluently.
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day back in 1987 was very special to me. It took a Pastor on a television
broadcast to bring out something in me that God had placed there, possible
years before. God enriches our lives with talents and abilities and it’s up to us
to utilize them for His glory.
Calvary Is Proof
1. I’d be lost in this world without Jesus
this world is not my true home
Until the day when He comes to take his waiting Bride
think of Calvary, the place He gave his all for me.
Cho. For it was there where they placed
crown of thorns on his head
was there where they pierced his precious side
if you’re looking for an answer
And, you don’t know where to turn
know he’ll help you, because Calvary is proof.
2. If you think that no one cares when you’re
you’re traveling down a road that has no end
me tell you of a man who died to save you
really loves you, my friend, and Calvary is proof.
(c) 1987 Debbie L. Davis / BMI / Full Life Music Group
As always, go with God, and God will go with you!
Until next time,
Debbie Davis
One Blessed Chicky
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